Teleport Using the “Join Me” Function in Cobalt’s Chat Tool
The Host Sends the “Join Me” Invitation to their Guest
Both you (the host) and your guest must login. Select Cobalt > Login. (See the section Text Chat for details on establishing an account and logging in to Cobalt.)
Initiate a chat session with your guest by selecting People>Contacts. Open a chat window by double clicking your guest’s name (Note: To start a chat session, you’ll need to add your guest to your contacts list, if you haven’t already done so. See the section Text Chat for details on how to add new contacts).
To send the teleport invitation to your guest, click the Join Me button located in the lower right of your text chat window.
This method allows the host to send an invitation to someone even if they aren’t logged into their Cobalt account. Rather than initiating the teleport with the built-in chat tool the host sends a small block of XML code to their guest by email or by an external chat client such as AOL IM.